The Lazy One

CRank: 5Score: 54300

You don't need your whole team once you reach a certain point, but this is not one of those cases. If you're delayed a year, and still haven't announced a release date, you should have every single programmer(or whatever is causing delayes) you have working on the delayed game.

The only people right now that should be completely done with KZ2 are in the design team or the engine team (who should still be helping with QA and debugging respectively).

6017d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How do you figure the store is better? they're almost exactly the same aside from the fact that marketplace has many times more original content.

6017d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The reason you don't notice the XBL changes is because they're for the most part smaller. They already have all the groundwork built, that they don't need to add so many new features. They've been adding a lot of streamlining and background features almost every fall and spring since the 360s launch though.

background downloads, downloads while the console is turned off, auto-downloads, video chat, and XNA are all improvements made to XBL since 360's launch.


6017d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cod3 is pretty widely acknowledged as sucking pretty hard.

6017d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can't honestly be saying that each being 2nd year makes it fair. Both consoles were announced the same year, so both developers probably started development around the same time. That in mind, a much bigger difference than both being 2nd year is the fact that the general knowledge base expands an enormous amount (especially for in game graphics) year by year.

Look at the Gears vs the GDC gears demo. it hasn't even been 2 whole years since launch, and the demo already includ...

6017d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT5 didn't do more work. Car models are one of the easiest things on earth to have a third party do. Not to mention a lot of them have more to do with retexturing the car and giving it new stats than actually modeling a new car.

I'm not saying the data doesn't take time, but the number of polygons in each car wouldn't increase time as they probably only modeled a fraction of them in house.

6017d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

First, Nintendo was way worse on invester speeches last year.

Second, they were keynote speeches. That's a big part of what they're for. Remember, it's a general entertainment expo, not just a consumer expo. It's just as much for the companies and investers as it is for the consumers. It usually boils down to 30% or so invester/business updates 70% new content/features.

Also, 05-06 went to Nint/M$ respectively, 07 was really really close on all fronts. It really ...

6018d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

NG2, Gow3, and DMC4 are all more similar than any of them is to too human. Too Human is more an action RPG than any of those games, which are generally more just hack n slash than RPG.

Edit: out of bubbles, so I had to put it here.

PC/Console is still a Console exclusive to that console. They aren't directly competitive in nearly the same market as a multi-console game, so the end result is negligible. There's far too few PC gamers to really effect the exclusivi...

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It would have been a system seller if it didn't take them so long to release it. It's not a core franchise either like Duke Nukem. By the time it comes out, even it's target renders are going to look dated compared to other games releasing with it, and no, it does not look as good as the target renders.

It still looks good, but there are a lot of games that look a lot better and still look worse than the original target render.

Keep in mind that the in-engine dem...

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

M$ is announcing solid lineup after solid lineup. Just because they don't have 15 filler games announced over the next 3 years to fluff their list is a credit to them, not a fault. 360 has had a good lineup every year since it was made, and almost every year people have said the exact same thing about it looking weak early on.

When you look at PS3's list, at least half the list is up in the air for whether it will be good or not, some don't have anything released other than a s...

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hate how people think just because M$ hasn't announced every game through the next 3 years, it has not games for the next 3 years.

It's bullshit. Sony's the only company I've ever seen announce SO many games so early in development, and it's rediculous how people think just because Sony did, every other company that does it the way they've been doing it for years is somehow in the wrong.

I garantee you that M$ hasn't even finished announcing all the games comin...

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LBP is a niche game. It's going to be a great casual game, but not a system selling casual game. I don't understand why anyone would be pushed over the edge and finally decide to get a PS3 because of it.

It'll be lots of fun for people that get it, but I just don't understand how you can expect it to sell systems. It's the equivalent of an XBLA game as far as gameplay goes.

6018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Her son (or grandson, can't remember) runs the company that provides it. They decided to use her as a test for the system.

6019d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So she drys her laundry on it.

6019d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


6019d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

then she can dry all her neighbors laundry too...

6019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"April Game Informer to include words AND pictures (about playstation3)"<wasn't PS positive enough to begin with
"Sony says they're brand is good"
"My neighbor likes PS3."
"My friends sisters husbands nephew might have had a difficult time talking to indian M$ customer service representatives"
"I didn't read the ToS, but M$ is still the devil"
"Random Awesome looking game only 1 person has ever heard ...

6019d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I find it interesting that I could say the same thing about the quality of your comments, but that doesn't make you less capable of making them, nor does it make your right to make them any less valid.

It was a good interview, a lot better than I expected it to be considering the misleading title. It didn't bring a whole lot of new stuff to the table, but it did shed a lot of light on stuff that goes on behind closed doors.

6019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it's been in development since before the PS3 was launched and was one of the biggest games PS3 had going for it until it pretty much dropped off the radar.

Personally, I think sony lying about this game (first with CGI, then with release dates) has hurt this game horribly. I don't want to blame the developers for any of it, because sony probably forced them to release the CGI demo, but Sometimes I wish sony would just shut the f*** up and just let the developers do the...

6019d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have no qualms with the fact that you used your opinion to rate halo, but how in the hell did Halo 2 get a better campaign grade than 3? the original had a great campaign, the second one had a craptastic half campaign, and the last one had a good campaign for having to tie up all the holes left by the crappy second one.

6019d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment